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Product Bulletin October 2024

Stay informed about the latest versions, updates and improvements to the zkipster platform and apps.

Murilo Aguiar avatar
Written by Murilo Aguiar
Updated over a month ago

Welcome to the zkipster Product Bulletin for October.

Read on for an overview of the latest updates, fixes and improvements, plus useful links.

zkipster Account

Latest version: 13.30.1, released October 9

Improvements and minor bug fixes


  • (Improvement) The display text for response fields can now be lowercase.

    • To enable this setting in a Form, go to Response Fields > Design > Field Labels > Style and turn off auto capitalization.

  • (Improvement) The placeholder text for response fields (currently “Type Here…” by default) can now be customized.

  • (Bug fix) Resolved an issue where no options appeared in the Total Guests dropdown if certain conditional formatting criteria were met.

Guest Facesheets

  • (Improvement) When the name setting is set to “Last Name, First Name”, a comma is now displayed after the guest’s Last Name (e.g. Doe, John)

QR codes for Apple Wallet

  • (Improvement) Event start times now display in the event’s local timezone, regardless of the timezone set on the guest’s iPhone.

Coming soon

The Zoom and COVID vaccine certification integrations will be permanently retired on Monday, December 2.

zkipster iOS app

Version 7.1.0 released October 21

  • (Bug fix) Tables no longer become smaller when dragged outside the limits of a floorplan.

  • (Improvement) It is now easy to distinguish between different check-in states.

Screenshot of zkipster's iOS app.

zkipster Android app

Version 5.0.0 released October 28

  • The technology behind the app has been upgraded, allowing new features to be released more efficiently without impacting the user experience and functionality of the app.

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