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How to Edit or Update a Form after an Invitation was Sent
How to Edit or Update a Form after an Invitation was Sent

Find out how to get back into your response form to make any necessary changes even after your invitation has gone out

Petya Filipova avatar
Written by Petya Filipova
Updated over a month ago

While it is not possible to edit the email part of your invitation after it has been sent, it is possible to go back into a response form and make any changes needed. As the form is web based, you can make changes to it at any time and any updates or edits will take effect as soon as you click 'Save Changes'.

How to Go Back into your 'Edit Form' Screen

To get back into a response form click on the specific invitation or form via the Invitations overview screen. This action will initially take you to Email Delivery and Form Reports page:

zkipster software screenshot

At the very bottom of this page, you will see the 'Form' tab as highlighted below:ย 

zkipster software screenshot

Clicking on the 'Form' tab will take you back into the 'Edit Form' screen:

zkipster software screenshot

How to Edit your Response Form

Once you are back in the 'Edit Form' screen, you can make any necessary changes or updates as needed. You may want to

  • Manually close the form once you have reached event capacity

  • Edit the 'Response Fields' section

  • Turn email notifications for yourself and your team members off or on

  • Turn the 'Add to Calendar' or 'Confirmation/ Decline Email' options off or on

  • Edit the Response Submission Text your guests see after they have RSVPed

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