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How to Create Reports with zkipster information
How to Create Reports with zkipster information

Once your integration is set up, learn more about the 3 standard reports included with the zkipster Salesforce app package

Olivia Robinson avatar
Written by Olivia Robinson
Updated over a month ago

If you would first like to learn more about the Salesforce integration, check this article.

By now you should have installed, configured, tested, and scheduled your sync. If you have not done this yet, learn how to this in the article here.

zkipster Standard Reports in Salesforce

The zkipster app package includes 3 Report Types that allow SF users to quickly leverage zkipster data points in their CRM:

1. Event, Guest List, Guest Overview

Easily report on all your events, guest lists and guests from zkipster inside Salesforce to use the data to improve general insights over your events.

This behaves like any other Salesforce Report.

2. zkipster Guest to Contact Field Mismatch

Track any amended guest data coming from zkipster events that is not matching the original Contact information to spot if your records require updating.

This report will require selecting the ‘Mismatch Fields Name’ column.

zkipster software screenshot
zkipster software screenshot

One extra step to only see the contacts that have mismatched fields is to use a filter where ‘Mismatch fields Name’ is ‘not equal to’ null.

zkipster software screenshot

3. zkipster Orphan Guest Check

Identify any guests are not reconciled to a Contact in Salesforce so you can take action. This could be because the email address has changed or they are walk ins on the door at the event.

You will need to add a filter where Contact = (empty), apply and then run the report.

zkipster software screenshot

How to create a Standard Report in Salesforce

  1. Search for Reports from the App Launcher

  2. Click on the ‘New Report’ button on the top right

  3. Type ‘zkipster’ in the modal’s search box

  4. Choose the one that you would like to create a report for and click on Continue

How to create a Custom Report in Salesforce

Once the app has been installed successfully, your administrator can now create a custom Report Type in Salesforce.

They can do this by going to

  1. Setup

  2. Search Quick Find Report Types

  3. New Custom Report Type

  4. Select zkipster Guest

  5. Save the new type

Pro tip: Save the Report Type in a permission set that allows all the users to be able to review, edit and create reports with this report type.

zkipster software screenshot
zkipster software screenshot

Creating zkipster Guest Reports in Salesforce

  1. Open Reports

  2. Click 'New Report'

  3. Select the zkipster Guest Report Type

  4. Click Continue

zkipster software screenshot

On the next screen you can select your filters and field criteria as you would for any other Salesforce report. You can save these for future templates.

zkipster software screenshot

That’s it - you now have zkipster Salesforce reports set up.

If you have any questions, reach out to the Client Relations team via the web chat in the bottom right side of your screen.

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