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Salesforce App Version 1.8

(Summer 21 release)

Olivia Robinson avatar
Written by Olivia Robinson
Updated over a week ago

This latest version of the zkipster to Salesforce app focuses on the Setup screen to fix the Custom Field deletion flow and introduces sync options for past events.

Key updates

  • Introduce a Past Event sync configuration setting

  • Improved zkipster Setup Object screen with added informational tool tips

  • Fix Custom Field deletion sync bug

  • Remove the Standard Field Mapping table

  • Improve error logging

Updated screens

Improved zkipster Setup Object screen with added informational tool tips, also removed the legacy Standard Field Mapping table.

Introduced a new Past Event sync configuration that allows you to specify how historic you wish the sync to be. Renamed ‘Manual Sync’ to ‘Sync Configuration’ and updated the description text to better fit the new sync options.

Sync Configuration

Users will now be able to select how many months into the past they wish to sync to Salesforce.

  • Include past events up to (Number of Months): You can select how many months in the past will the sync cover. The minimum and default is 3 months

  • Delete unsynced past events from Salesforce: by selecting this any events past the selected month timeframe will be deleted from Salesforce. The default is unticked and this will simply leave the data as is if outside the timeframe, it will not sync/update.

Contact to Salesforce Guest Field Mapping

This table maps the Contact and Campaign ‘Add to Guest List’ action. It can be used to pull extra fields from the Contact Details directly into the zkipster guest.

Custom Field Mapping

After mapping in Salesforce, custom fields will only be updated in the guest object if there is an update to that guest - the guest updated timestamp changes and new information is pulled into Salesforce.

We suggest for all created zkipster Custom Fields to be synced empty (before entering data in the guest), then proceed to mapping these on Salesforce, and only then enter their content in zkipster.

When an Account Level custom field is deleted, zkipster still persists it in the event where it was used. So it is expected that Salesforce will display this until the Custom Field is deleted from the event or the event is out of the sync scope if ‘Delete unsynced past events from Salesforce:’ is enabled when syncing.

Clarification: zkipster Fields section in Salesforce

Users should refrain from editing or creating new field mapping in these as it will break the integration. These apps are shown in the app launcher for documentation purposes only.

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