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How to Manually Close your Response Form

Find out how to close your form so that your guests can no longer RSVP once you have reached capacity for your event

Carolin Gonschorrek avatar
Written by Carolin Gonschorrek
Updated over a month ago

You can edit your response form at any time as it is web based, even if you have already sent your invitation.
To do this, find your invitation form on the Invitations overview screen. Once you have clicked on it, you will see a 'Form' tab at the very bottom of your browser page. If you are having trouble finding the 'Form' tab refer to this article for help.

To manually close the form, go to the 'Settings' tab located on the right side of your form then click on 'Form Settings' and toggle the 'Form Is Taking Responses' switch from On to Off:

zkipster software screenshot

'Allow checked-in guests to submit form' has been added and set to OFF as a default setting in the form. We recommend to leave it to OFF in the main form.

Any information that is not locked might get overwritten when submitting other forms if set to ON (i.e. Consent Form).

zkipster software screenshot

Please note: The form will now close one week after the event end date as a default setting when creating a new form:

zkipster software screenshot

You can further define a 'Form Closed Message' which will be displayed to your guests on the browser once the form is closed and no longer taking any RSVPs:

zkipster software screenshot

It is possible to edit other components of the response form from the 'Edit Form' screen as well. Any changes made will go live for the guests viewing the form from that point onwards. Find out more in this article here!

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