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Conditional Logic for Response Fields

Set up dynamic fields on your form that only show if certain response criteria from a previous response field have been met

Carolin Gonschorrek avatar
Written by Carolin Gonschorrek
Updated over a month ago

When it comes to setting up your response form, it is possible to have certain response fields only show up if your guests have responded to a previous field in a particular way. 

This function is called Conditional Visibility, which enables you to build response forms that dynamically change depending on your guest's replies, i.e. some fields will only show if a certain answer has been given to a previous field present on the form.

How to Make a Response Field Conditional 

To turn a response field into a conditional field based on a guest's previous reply, turn on the 'Conditional Visibility' toggle inside the field tab:

zkipster software screenshot

Please note: Make sure that any response field that you want to turn into a conditional field on your form is switched from 'Off' to 'On', otherwise your Conditional Visibility settings will not be saved even if you clicked 'Save Changes'.

How to Set up a Conditional Logic for a Response Field

To set up a conditional logic on your form for a guest's response to a field, first of all make sure that the response field(s) which your conditional field will rely on is/ are switched to 'On' as well.

Following this:

  1. Open the field tab of the response field you want to make conditional

  2. Turn on 'Conditional Visibility' by switching the toggle

  3. Select the response field that will act as a condition for your conditional field

  4. Select the logic under which your conditional field should show up on the response form

  5. Select a response option which will act as the deciding factor as to whether or not the conditional field will appear on the form

  6. If you want to add a second (or multiple) condition/s to the conditional field, click on 'Add Condition'

  7. Click 'Save Changes' when done

Please see the exact process described above in the screen grab below:
(The condition used in this very simple example here is a guest being able to give information on their dietary requirements depending on whether they are staying for dinner or not)

zkipster software screenshot

Please note: The conditional logic dropdown options will depend on the guest field type of the response field acting as the condition for your conditional field, i.e. 

Text Field (Free Format)

  • Response is equal to

  • Response is not equal to

  • Response contains

  • Response does not contain

Single Choice (Dropdown)

  • Response is equal to

  • Response is not equal to

  • Response is any of 

  • Response is none of


  • Response is equal to

  • Response is not equal to

  • Response has any of

  • Response has none of

  • Response has all of

Color (Dropdown)

  • Response is equal to

  • Response is not equal to

  • Response is any of 

  • Response is none of

Total Guests (default field)

  • Response is equal to

  • Response is greater than

  • Response is less than

Other Things to Note:

  • Make sure to select all relevant required fields in order to activate the condition (you will see a small green tick appear once it is active). Otherwise the Conditional Visibility function will remain inactive

  • There is no limit of how many conditions a user can add per field

  • If working with Free Format Text fields
    a.) Please be aware that you can only add one item of information to the field at a time (i.e. for Organization it is not possible list different organizations separated by a comma, for example 'Company 1, Company 2, etc.). If you want to set different response options for the same Free Format Text field you would need to add another/ more condition(s) to the same dynamic field in this case
    b.) Free Format Text conditions will match depending on the exact text your guest enters, i.e. if you set the logic to be two words separated by a space, it will match the two words separated by a space when entered by the guest (i.e. if the information is entered by the guest with no space, there will be no match)

Preview the Conditional Fields in the Form Composer

The form composer and previewer also apply the conditional rules so it is easy and highly advisable to test how the Conditional Visibility rules for your dynamic fields behave:

zkipster software screenshot

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