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How to set up the RSVP Button in your Email

This article provides an overview of the RSVP Button in your zkipster invitation

Petya Filipova avatar
Written by Petya Filipova
Updated over a month ago

Add an RSVP Button to Your Event Emails Easily

The RSVP button section is where you can customize the RSVP button of your email and link to an ' RSVP Form,' 'Consent Form' or 'Web Address (URL)' depending on the campaign you want to send.

Customizing the RSVP button

zkipster software screenshot

You can completely customize the look of your RSVP button via the Button tab. In this section, you can change the:

  • Button Text

  • Font, Style, Size, Text Color, and Letter Spacing of your button text

  • Background Color

  • Width and Height of the button and whether it should have rounded corners

  • Top Margin (default is 55 px)

RSVP Button Settings and Link

If you have a form linked to your email already, the corresponding form is the only item that will be linked through this button. Read more about campaign templates in this article.
However, if you started with an email campaign without a campaign form attached, you can choose to have the button link to:

  • Via the Campaign Form option: link to an existing response form inside your event. We recommend using this option for private events where the RSVP form is set to private.

zkipster software screenshot

Alternatively, you can also turn the button to OFF altogether (if you are sending out a Save the Date email or Thank You note, for example).

Sending a Test Email to Check your Campaign Design

We strongly encourage you to send yourself a test email during the design process of your online campaign to check that you are happy with the look and feel of the final email. You can find this option at the top of your Email Builder - more details on this here.

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