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How to Configure the zkipster App in Salesforce
How to Configure the zkipster App in Salesforce

Learn how to configure the app in your Salesforce environment so you can start using it

Olivia Robinson avatar
Written by Olivia Robinson
Updated over a month ago

If you would first like to learn more about the integration, refer to this article.

If you have not yet installed the Salesforce native integration, do this first using the article here.

Configuring the App

Once the app has been installed, you will need to connect it to your zkipster account. From the app menu in Salesforce, select ‘zkipster setup.’

The first time you open it, you will be prompted to enter your API key, base URL and choose the user who will be notified when actions like syncing are a success or failure.

zkipster software screenshot


You can find the API key in the API Access section within your zkipster ‘Account Settings.’

Please note: It is possible to regenerate the API key if you need to for security reasons, and this would then need to be updated in your Salesforce connection.


The base URL is currently (also available in zkipster’s API documentation via the API Access section in Account Settings).

Once saved, you will get a green confirmation message saying Configured Successfully. If there are any errors, make sure that the URL and/or API key are correct.

Please note: If you do not see this screen at all, you should ensure you have set up your own custom Salesforce domain. For zkipster, this is

Syncing for the first time

Once the API is saved, you should perform a manual sync to establish the connection between the two systems. Still within ‘zkipster Setup,’ click on the manual sync tab and initiate the sync. You can choose to include past events; however, for the first sync, it is recommended that you don’t, as this will slow the process down.

When the sync has been completed, any upcoming events will now show in Salesforce. You can check by going to ‘zkipster Events’ and select to view ‘All Events.’ You can also drill down to Guest Lists and Guests. At this stage, only default zkipster guest fields will show for any guest that the sync has created.

The next step is to map the custom fields in the ‘zkipster Setup.’

Mapping Guest Fields

Any fields from zkipster will be available to map to the guest Object fields in Salesforce.

zkipster software screenshot

The left table maps the Contact and Campaign ‘Add to Guest List’ action. Use it to pull extra fields from the Contact details into the zkipster guest Object.

zkipster software screenshot

Mapping Custom Fields

Any custom fields from zkipster will be available to map to the guest object fields in Salesforce.

In the mapping section of the zkipster setup, you will see any zkipster custom fields you have already created. To map to the Guest object, you must create those custom fields in the Guest Object, and you can do this by clicking ‘Create Custom Field.’

zkipster software screenshot

Creating Guest Object Custom fields

To create a Guest Object custom field, click on ‘Create Custom Field’ in the setup screen. This takes you to the Salesforce Object manager for the Guest Object. Here you can click on a new field and create each of the fields you need.

zkipster software screenshot

Most users can select the field type ‘text’ and set the length of the field. Advanced users will be able to make full use of the options according to their field requirements. We always recommend using the maximum character length on the field of 200 when creating.

zkipster software screenshot

Once you have created all of the custom fields, you can return to ‘zkipster Setup’ to complete the mapping of the fields.

Mapping fields

Once you have created the required contact & guest custom fields - and have also completed sync - you will be able to map the zkipster fields to the custom fields.

Go to ‘Custom Field Mapping’ in ‘zkipster Setup.’ The new Guest custom fields you have created will now be available to be mapped.

After mapping in Salesforce, custom fields will only be updated in the guest object if there is an update to that guest - the guest updated timestamp changes, and new information is pulled into Salesforce.

We suggest that all created zkipster Custom Fields be synced empty (before entering data in the guest), then proceed to mapping these on Salesforce, and only then enter their content in zkipster.

zkipster software screenshot

When an Account Level custom field is deleted, zkipster still persists in the event where it was used. So it is expected that Salesforce will display this until the Custom Field is deleted from the event or the event is out of the sync scope if ‘Delete unsynced past events from Salesforce:’ is enabled when syncing.

Mapping a zkipster field to a guest object field means that data points will exist multiple times and will be event-specific.

Here is an example:

The picture below shows the Contact object for ‘Aaron Nevile’ with the zkipster custom fields mapped to Guest Object. Updates to these fields in zkipster will show here only.

zkipster software screenshot

When syncing guests from zkipster to Salesforce, the app uses the email address to search for existing contacts in Salesforce.

Adding a zkipster Guest to the Contact view as a related list

To be able to see what Guest Lists the contact has been added to as a guest, your administrator can add a zkipster Guest as a related list in the Contact Layout.

They do this in Setup > Object Manager > Contact > Page Layout > Contact Layout

zkipster software screenshot

Once added, they can click on the spanner to select the fields they want to show.

zkipster software screenshot

Once they have made their selection, they need to save the layout changes at the top left and then can visit a contact to check it’s set up correctly.

That's it!

You are now ready to add the ‘Add to Guest List’ button to your Contacts view in Salesforce. To learn how to do this, follow this article here.

If you have questions, reach out to the Client Relations team via the webchat on the bottom right side of your screen.

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