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How to Arrange and Hide Guest Fields on the zkipster App
How to Arrange and Hide Guest Fields on the zkipster App

Learn where you can organize the guest fields that will appear on the zkipster app

Petya Filipova avatar
Written by Petya Filipova
Updated over a month ago

Customizing Guest Fields Order for the zkipster App

Arranging the guest fields can be done in two ways:

  1. Via the browser

  2. Via the mobile app

Via the browser:

Go to the 'Guest Fields' tab, located in the sidebar menu on the left side of the browser within your event. Here is where you can organize the fields in the app view.

zkipster software screenshot

Click and drag the fields to place them in order of priority like this GIF sample and make sure to Save the changes:

zkipster software screenshot

The 'Device Preview' at the top of the page allows zkipster users to see a preview of the guest field order in the app view. The devices allow a different number of fields displayed:

  • Tablet view - six fields are displayed (both iOS and Android)

  • Phone view - three fields are displayed (both iOS and Android)

zkipster software screenshot

Any changes made in the Guest Fields tab will be reflected in the app, once the changes have been saved.

Via the mobile app:

Tap on the 'More' option located at the lower right hand side menu within the event.

zkipster software screenshot

From there it will show the 'Event Settings' where the 'Guest List Column View' is listed.

Tap the 'Guest List Column View' to edit the columns and arrange the guest fields by dragging and dropping the fields to the desired arrangement. Please note to use the 3 bars next to the guest fields in order to move the arrangement and tap 'Done'.

zkipster software screenshot

Things to remember when arranging the fields via the mobile app:

  • The column order is set per event.

  • It resets to default when navigating to another event or closing the app.

  • You can long press the column names to trigger the 'Edit Columns' mode.

Hiding Guest Fields in the App View

To hide any fields in the app view, click the pencil icon located on the right next to the field, and tick the 'Hide this field from iOS and Android check-in apps'.

zkipster software screenshot

Please Note: Default fields cannot be deleted but can be hidden from the app view. Hiding the fields can only be done via the browser.

The Default fields also now includes the ‘External ID’ and ‘Salutation’ field that are part of the ‘Relationships’ feature. You can learn more about Guest Relationships in the article here.

If changes aren't reflected on the app right away refresh the app by closing out of it and opening it back up. Be sure to use the most up-to-date version of the zkipster app.

In this section is also possible to create new custom fields by clicking the Add Custom Field button in the upper right corner or edit and delete already existing fields. This article covers how to create a custom field.

To Edit or Delete fields, click on the Pen or Garbage can icon next to the field from the Guest Fields tab. The changes will update across your event and devices.

For more information on editing custom fields in a single choice drop-down, color, or checkbox format refer to How to arrange, edit or delete custom fields on the browser and app article.

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