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How to Set up Check-in Messages

Learn and follow the steps on setting up your check-in message

Michala Kepple avatar
Written by Michala Kepple
Updated over a week ago

zkipster’s check-in message feature enables you to alert members of your team or other colleagues/collaborators when a guest has arrived at your event by sending an automated SMS or email notification to them.

The check-in message is triggered by the check-in button and will automatically be sent to all numbers/emails associated with the respective guest's profile once they are being checked in. It is currently only possible to set up one check-in message text per event. However, you are able to send it to a maximum of 5 phone numbers and/or 5 email addresses per guest. 

Please note: The check-in message will only be sent once upon checking in your guest(s) via the check-in button. No other texts from zkipster will be sent out once the check-in message has gone out. Also, the check-in message will require an active internet connection from the device being used for check-in.

Please Note: Numbers under the 'Check-In Message Text' field cannot be used to send SMS/WhatsApp messages from 'Communications'.

Steps on how to set up your Check-in Message

  1. Setting up the Guest list

  2. Setting up the Message 

Import your Check-in Message Recipients' Phone and Email Details 

In order to mass upload the phone number(s) and email address(es) that are meant to receive the message for each of your guests, add an additional 'Check-in Message Text' and/or 'Check-in Message Email' column to your excel spreadsheet before importing your guest list into zkipster:

zkipster software screenshot

Enter the phone numbers, including the country code, and/or email addresses that you would like the check-in message to be sent to into those columns for each guest. The best way to include the phone number information on your excel is to enter the country code without a '+' or '00', followed by the area code and number.

For example:

  • US ( country code +1) phone numbers would look along the lines of '1917XXXXXXX'

  • UK (country code +44) phone numbers would look along the lines of '447XXXXXXXXX'

Important: If you do not provide a country code for your phone numbers the system will not be able to set them in the guest record, so please make sure to double-check this detail before importing your spreadsheet.

You can add up to 5 phone numbers and 5 email addresses per guest, separated by a comma in the same cell.

Please note: Following the exact naming convention on your excel columns will ensure that these are automatically matched with the corresponding check-in message fields in zkipster:

zkipster software screenshot

Manually Add the Check-in Message Recipients' Phone and Email Details

Select a guest by clicking on their name in your guest list

  • Scroll to the 'Check-In Messages' section towards the bottom of the guest profile 

  • Add the phone number and email information to the 'Email Recipient(s)' and 'Text Recipient(s)' sections

  • Click 'Add Option' to add up to 5 fields for each section

  • Click 'Save' at the bottom of the profile

zkipster software screenshot

How to Customize your Check-in Message Text
(for Professional Users)

The option to customize the text of your check-in message depends on the event level you are on:

  • Essential plans can send the following default check-in message, which cannot be changed or edited: ':guest_firstname :guest_lastname checked in to :event_name at :guest_checkindate'

  • Professional plans allow for customization of the check-in message within a 160 character limit

To customize your check-in message:

  1. Click the 'Check-in Messages' tab on the left-hand side menu

  2. Compose your message as needed (within the 160 character limit)

  3. Include dynamic guest tags via the 'Tags' dropdown to personalize your text 

  4. Send yourself a test message by clicking 'Send Test'

  5. Click 'Save' when done

zkipster software screenshot

For information on how you can use zkipster's check-in messages, check the article here.

Please note: depending on the country your guests' phone number is from, the SMS text triggered by the Check-In Message feature might not be delivered to your guest. This might happen due to strict SMS regulations. You can read more about SMS regulations this here.

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