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Uploading your Floor Plan Image

zkipster allows you to upload an image file of your own floor plan - find out how to do this here

Murilo Aguiar avatar
Written by Murilo Aguiar
Updated over a month ago

Before you can seat your guests manually, or automatically with a spreadsheet file, your zkipster tables must be set in the Seating interface.

Please note that the Seating functionality is currently only available via desktop and on the zkipster app on iPads and Android Tablet. At this point in time, Seating is not supported on iPhones and the Android zkipster app for mobile devices.

Watch our tutorial video for a quick overview:

How to Upload your Image

When you open zkipster's Seating feature, you will begin with a blank slate in the Seating interface.

zkipster allows you to upload your own floor plan image, which will then sit as a background image on your seating chart for you to overlay the zkipster tables on. However, you can also leave the background blank and just work with the zkipster tables as is.

To upload a floor plan image, simply click on the 'Upload Floor Plan' button as shown below and attach your file:

zkipster software screenshot

Tips For Best Results

  • Please note that the only accepted file formats are JPG , PNG, or GIF

  • The maximum file size is 5MB

  • The image dimensions need to be maximum 5120x5120

  • Crop your floor plan image to only the sections you need in order to place your seating blocks or tables

  • Desaturate and/ or grayscale your floor plan image before uploading (this will help focussing on your seating arrangement that you lay on top of the image)

How to Scale your Image after Uploading

Once your file has been uploaded, we recommend that you add a seating block or table to your seating chart to make sure the scale factor is correct. In order to re-scale your floor plan image, simply move the toggle to the left or right as highlighted below until the zkipster seats match up perfectly with your floor plan:

zkipster software screenshot

How to Delete or Change your Image

To remove your floor plan image or change it for another file, simply go to 'Edit Floor Plan' and click on the 'x' symbol on the right side of the floor plan. Clicking 'Save' will remove your current file:

zkipster software screenshot

You can then proceed to upload another floor plan, or work from the blank slate in the background. 

Pro Tip: if you are using the Relationships feature, you can build your seating map taking into consideration the relationships your guests have in your event. For more information on how to use the Relationships feature when seating your guests, please click here.

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