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How To Copy Campaigns and Forms

In zkipster you are able to duplicate invitations and response forms - either inside the same event, or into a different event altogether

Carolin Gonschorrek avatar
Written by Carolin Gonschorrek
Updated over 8 months ago

In zkipster's Communications feature, you are able to duplicate any campaign, standalone email or response form as you require - either within the same event, or into a different upcoming or past event on your zkipster account altogether!

Duplicating a a Campaign

On the Communications Overview screen of your event, you will see a small 'Duplicate' icon on the right hand side of every email or form listed (highlighted in the screenshot below):

When you go on to click on the symbol to duplicate your item, a pop-up window will appear presenting you with a dropdown menu 'Duplicate to Event', which will let you select the destination event of choice for your duplicate Message/Form or Both:

You have the option to choose whether the copy of your Message, Form, or Both should be created within the same event you are currently working on or created in a different event of your choice.

Under the 'Include the Following' section, select if the copy should be created with only the Message, only the Form or both.

Please note: Only events that have the zkipster Communications feature activated will show up in the event dropdown.

Things to Note when Duplicating Campaigns into a Different Event

Please be aware that if you are copying a standalone response form or RSVP campaign (ie. email with response form automatically attached) into a different event, any associated custom guest fields used on the form will also be copied over into the destination event you have selected. Please find more information in the following article How to Create and Manage Custom Guest Fields.

A. Maximum Custom Guest Field Limit Reached on Destination Event

If you have already reached the maximum custom field limit of 10 on the event that you want the copy of your RSVP invitation or form to go into, you will still be able to duplicate the item but the custom fields will not be copied across with it.

The system will also prompt you with the following advice:

B. Same Custom Guest Field Name on Both Events (but Different Format)

If you happen to have a custom field with the same name but a different format on both your original as well as you destination event (for instance, a 'Job Title' free format custom field on one and a 'Job Title' single choice dropdown custom field on the other), said custom field will also not be copied across.

The response form or RSVP invitation will consequently be duplicated without the field(s) in question:

When duplicating your Campaigns across different Events, if the campaign(s) you are trying to duplicate has a Form inside that is a shared across multiple campaigns, instead of keeping the Form shared across campaigns, the form is duplicated.

For example: if you have an event with three campaigns all sharingthe same form, and you duplicate the event, the duplicated event will have three campaigns with three separate, identical forms that are not shared.

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