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Including Attachments with your Campaign

Guidance on how to work with attaching documents or other files to zkipster emails

Murilo Aguiar avatar
Written by Murilo Aguiar
Updated over 3 weeks ago

With zkipster’s Communication feature, available on the Professional and Enterprise levels, you can include attachments with your campaign in different ways depending on which Communication Via is used.

Before starting we would like to invite you to read the following articles to learn more about our Campaign Feature:

Via Email

Sending emails with attachments can significantly hurt your email deliverability, as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often treat such emails as a threat and directly send them to the spam folder. Here are some reasons why:

  • Email attachments are commonly used to hide malware or viruses. Internet Service Providers frequently flag and block those types of emails because of this.

  • Attachments increase the size of your messages, which in turn increases the time it takes to send your email.

  • Attachments take longer to download and may spoil the experience of your email recipients.

Due to the impact on email deliverability and user experience, zkipster does not allow for attachments to be included with your online invitations.

An alternative method of sharing your files with your guests is hosting the documents or images you would like to attach online via a file hosting service and generating a shareable link to the files in question. You can then insert the link in the body text section of your online invitation and/or confirmation email, either through a simple copy and paste of the URL or by hyperlinking part of your invitation text as shown in the bullets/screenshots below:

  • Select the 'Text' option on the Toolbar on the right-hand side.

  • Make sure you are on the 'Composer' section. Insert the Phrase/Text to be hyperlinked on the Text Box and click the 'Insert/Edit Link' button.

  • Insert/Paste the Link/URL to be used in the 'URL' section.

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Pro Tip: Saving your work is the best way to save time. Please make sure to always hit the 'Save' button at any time.

Via SMS/WhatsApp

You can send one attachment file per SMS/WhatsApp message. The file is hosted online by zkipster, so your guests need to access the link sent via the SMS message to open the image file or QR Code file. On WhatsApp, the attachment is displayed as an image in the body of the message.

From the 'Composer' tab, click on the 'Attachment' section and turn the toggle to ON to include an attachment. You will be able to select if you want to send a QR Code, an attachment file (sent as an image file), or a PDF. version of your Email, in case your campaign includes also an Email.

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Pro Tip: Make sure to include the dynamic tag :attachment_url in your text message, as this is the tag that will turn into the link from where your guests will be able to access the attachment.

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Email PDF

If your campaign includes an email that will be sent to your guests in addition to the SMS/WhatsApp message, you have the option to attach the Email as a PDF. file to your text message. This comes particularly handy when you are inviting guests from organizations that have high security policies in place and their email server might block your email from being delivered.

To attach the email as a PDF. file, from the 'Attachment Type' section, select 'Email PDF'. From the 'PDF File Name' field you can define a name for the file.

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Custom File

Users have the option to attach an image file or a PDF. file as an attachment when sending guests SMS/WhatsApp messages. The maximum file size accepted is 5MB and only one file can be sent per SMS/WhatsApp message.

From the 'Attachment Type', select 'Custom File' and upload your file to be attached.

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Pro Tip: Please refer to How to Set up QR Codes with your Campaign to learn more about QR codes in zkipster.

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