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How to Duplicate Events

Learn how to duplicate events, guest lists and seating plans across events.

Petya Filipova avatar
Written by Petya Filipova
Updated over 3 months ago

With zkipster's event duplication function, you can fully duplicate a previously created event. Guest lists, communications, and seating plans can be copied from a past event into a new one.

Note: Only Account Owners and users assigned with an Administrator or Events Creator account permission scheme can duplicate events.

How to Duplicate an Event

To duplicate an event, use the two-square icon on the right of the event. In the pop-up window, select which item(s) of the original event you would like to transfer into the new event.
Based on your event and current zkipster plan, this can be:

  • Guest Lists: you can select which specific lists to copy into the new event

  • Communications: new form links will be created for the duplicate event

  • Seating Plan: new share-a-table links will be created for the duplicate event

  • Team Members: team notification settings for campaigns will be copied

  • Sessions: guests' assignments to sessions will be copied

  • Name Badges: badge configuration will be copied

  • Consent Form: consent form will be copied

Once selected, click on the Duplicate button. The system will notify you once the duplication is finished. You will also receive an email with the confirmation.

Once it has been duplicated, the new event will appear in the Upcoming Events section along with your other events.

Things To Be Considered When Duplicating

There are multiple things to consider when duplicating an Event:

  • Duplicate Past Events: When you duplicate a Past Event, the new copy will have the same date and time information as the original. After duplicating, the new event will be automatically placed in the Past Events section, not the Upcoming Events section. If you need to change this, you can do so by clicking on the Edit icon located on the right side of the event and modifying the date and time.

    Please, refer to the following article to learn more about How to Create and Manage your zkipster Event

  • Duplicate Events with Shared Forms: When duplicating your Campaigns across different Events, if the campaign(s) you are trying to duplicate have a Form inside that is a Shared Form, instead of keeping the Form shared across campaigns, we duplicate the form. i.e.: If a user has an event with three campaigns all using the same form, and they duplicate the event, the duplicated event will have three campaigns with three separate, identical forms that are not shared.

    Please find more information about Duplicate and Shared Forms in the following article Duplicate Forms vs. Sharing Forms Across Multiple Campaigns.

  • Duplicate Event with Sessions: When duplicating an event that contains sessions, please be mindful of the date, time, and location of your sessions. This is important because the system will assign the same information, which could lead to issues when you edit your event details. You must update the session information to match that of your event.

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