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How to Create a Table Cell within your Campaign
How to Create a Table Cell within your Campaign

Guide on creating and customizing table cells in campaign texts in zkipster, including formatting tips.

Murilo Aguiar avatar
Written by Murilo Aguiar
Updated over 6 months ago

Creating a new Campaign on zkipster is easy with our Communications feature functionalities. In this article, we review one of those tools which is part of the 'Text' section.

Before starting, check the following articles to learn more about Campaigns on zkipster:

How to Add a New Table:

The table design tool is located in the 'Text' section of the 'Form' and is represented by a Table Icon in the Text Design Tools section. Keep in mind this icon will only be available on the 'Form' as well as 'Confirm Email' of your Campaign.

After clicking on the Table Icon, select the number of rows and columns to create a table with up to 100 squares (10x10).

The new table will be displayed in the 'Text' section where you can enter text into each cell by clicking on it.

How to Amend a Table:

By clicking on the Table, Action Icons will be displayed under the table. Using these icons, you will be able to perform the following actions depending of the icon selected:

Delete Column

Insert Column After

Insert Column Before

Delete Row

Insert Row After

Insert Row Before

Delete Table

Table Properties: If you choose this option, you will be able to access the Table Properties. From there, you can adjust the size of your table by changing its width, height, cell spacing, cell padding, border width, and alignment. Additionally, you can add a caption to your table as a brief title. This is part of the General Properties.

When editing Advance Properties, you can customize the border style, color, and background.

Another way to modify your new table is by selecting it and clicking the 'Table' icon, where you have access to configure Cells, Rows, and Columns as well as the 'Table Properties' and the 'Delete Table' option.


Cell Properties: By selecting this option, you will have access to the Cell Properties. This will allow you to modify the size of your table by adjusting its width, height, and cell type. Additionally, you will be able to position the content using the Scope, Horizontal,

and Vertical alignment options.

For Advance Properties, you can adjust border width, style, color, and background.

Merge Cell: To merge cells, select them and then use the 'Merge Cell' option.

Split Cell: If you want to revert a Merge Cell, select the cell and then use the 'Split Cell' option.


Copy, Cut and Paste options will be available on the Row section as: 'Cut Row', 'Copy Row', 'Paste Row Before' and 'Paste Row After', in addition to the options 'Insert Row Before', 'Insert Row After', and 'Delete Row'.

Row Properties: By selecting this option, you will gain access to the Row Properties. This will allow you to modify the size of your table by adjusting its Height, Alignment and Row Type.

For Advance Properties, you can adjust border style, color, and background.


Copy, Cut and Paste options will be available on the Column section as: 'Cut Column', 'Copy Column', 'Paste Column Before' and 'Paste Column After', in addition to the options 'Insert Column Before', 'Insert Column After', and 'Delete Column'.

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