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Using Seating on the App

Learn how to use zkipster seating on iPads and Android Tablets

Petya Filipova avatar
Written by Petya Filipova
Updated over a month ago

Optimize Event Seating with zkipster's mobile App

Please Note: The Seating feature is currently only supported on the zkipster iOs app used on iPads and Android Tablet. It is currently not available on iPhones or the zkipster Android app for mobile.

For a better experience using zkipster Seating via the app, we recommend using devices with resolutions higher than 1024px. Please also check this article for the device recommendations in zkipster.

All seating changes made on the day of your event on your iPads will sync across all other devices used at the event when connected to the internet.

Key Facts for Seating on the App

A few things to keep in mind when seating from the iPad:

  • Guests and their +1s will show a check mark on their seat once checked in.

  • Seats that are blocked via Blocked Seating will be marked with an X.

  • You can see the names of guests along the right hand side in the 'Guests' tab. When you tap their name in the guest list the app will automatically zoom in on where they are seated in the room.

  • When you tap the arrow next to the guest name, it will open their Guest Detail where you can edit the guest profile and also check-in the guest.

  • You can view the guest's full name on the floor plan by going to the 'More' menu, click on the 'Seating' and toggle the 'Truncate Guest Names' ON.

    zkipster software screenshot

  • When you tap on any guest's seat to unseat or reseat them, you can click on 'More Details' button on pop up if you need to see more information about that guest.

    zkipster software screenshot

  • Next to the 'Guests' tab, the 'Activity' section shows you a log of all seating, reseating and unseating actions that happened for your event with a detailed description of when an action took place and which user it was performed by (Please note: The seating activity log takes changes performed on the browser into account as well).

  • Zooming in on the tablet will give you a clearer view of the table and guest name.

zkipster software screenshot

zkipster software screenshot

Editing the Floorplan on the App

Just like the web account, when you tap on the wheel icon, an 'Edit Floorplan' option in the bottom left corner of your iPad will appear and you will be able to:

  • See all of the available table and seat options listed on the right

  • Tap on a table, row or focal point to drag and drop it onto the seating map

  • Tap into the table to customize it as you require

zkipster software screenshot

Editing Tables and Seats on the App

You can customize the tables in a few different ways:

  • Change the Table Label

  • Change or create a Table Name

  • Customize the amount of seats

  • Activate Blocked Seating

  • Change the rotation of the table

  • Starting Seat Number

  • Sequence of the seats

  • Direction of the seats

  • Delete tables

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Sort, Search and Filter Options in Seating on the App

On the iPad or Android Tablet you can also sort, search and filter to find guests easily on your seating map just like on the web account.

zkipster software screenshot

Tap on any guest's seat to display where they are seated and easily unseat or reseat them just like on the web version.

You can also click on the table label to add/remove and filter by table.

zkipster software screenshot

Seating Activity Log on the App

As mentioned earlier, you will be able to see and track all those changes made to your guest seating in the 'Activity' tab.

zkipster software screenshot

Seating Color Field Option on the App

The ‘Seating Colors’ option will only be displayed if there is a Color Custom Field data associated to your guests. You can check the How to Color Code your Guests and How To Color Code by Seat articles to learn more.

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Selecting the 'Seating Colors' option will show a pop up window that indicates the default Seating Color. You can tap to change it to the specific Color Custom Field you have associated the guest with like the sample images below:

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zkipster software screenshot

Once you have changed the specific Color Custom field chosen, the next pop up window will show the option to turn the Legend button to ON or OFF. The legend of the color categories in use will also be displayed at the top section of the seating plan.

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zkipster software screenshot

Please note: Changing the color custom field option will also update the color dots in Guest navigator list located at the right hand side in the ‘Seating’ map view. If a seated guest has no color custom field assigned, the seating map will default to a darker grey as a seat placeholder.

If you have opted to hide the custom field option in the iOS and Android devices via the Guest Fields tab in the browser, the color custom field option will not appear in the seating map view on the app.

Pro Tip: if you are using the Relationships feature, you can build your seating map taking into consideration the relationships your guests have in your event. For more information on how to use the Relationships feature when seating your guests, please click here.

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