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Guest Relationships Release

Version 8.15 April 2022

Petya Filipova avatar
Written by Petya Filipova
Updated over 2 months ago

Enhance Guest Experience with Relationship Management

We are excited to announce our new Guest Relationships feature! Improve your guest experience by defining the relationship between your guests and allowing guests to RSVP on behalf of others.

In summary, the Guest Relationships feature enables you to:

Additionally, a new 'Sessions' tab has been introduced to the zkipster mobile app to make it easier for you to navigate between your main event guest lists and your sessions' guest lists.

Defining Relationships

With the introduction of the new 'Relationships' section on the Guest Profile, you are now able to select which other guests on your event are related to that specific person and define the type of relationship they have, such as family member, coworker, personal assistant and so on:

To speed up the process, you are able to use the new guest fields 'External ID' and 'Relationships' to define the relationships directly on your guest list spreadsheet to quickly upload it into zkipster:

Send Invitations to Related Guests

When sending your invitation to your guest list, you are also now able to send it to any related guests segment.

For example, you can send your invitation to your VIP guest list and choose to send the same email to related guests you defined as being their 'Personal Assistant':

Form Landing Page and Form Confirmation Page

On top of the RSVP Form, you can now set up and design a Form Landing Page and a Form Confirmation Page.

The RSVP form landing page will be accessible via the invitation you send to your guests using zkipster's Invitation templates.

Allow Guests to RSVP on Behalf of Others

Guests submitting RSVPs on behalf of other guests is now possible via the same RSVP Form, so you can choose to send just one email to a main guest.

For example, if you are inviting a team of five people from the same organization, you can send this invitation email to just one of them and allow this guest to submit the RSVP on behalf of the other four team members, instead of sending five invitation emails:

Please note: Guests will only be able to RSVP on behalf of others if you configure your form settings to allow so. If you do not enable this feature on your form, guests will only be able to RSVP for themselves.

Check-in Related Guests via Main Guest Profile

When using the zkipster mobile app to check-in your guests, you are now able to view and check-in related guests via the main guest detail. This comes in handy if you need to track which of the guest's +1s have attended your event:

Please note: You will still be able to allocate +1s to your guests without the need to create a Guest Profile for each of the additional guests and define a relationship status. Click here to view how to account for +1s on your guest list.

New Sessions Navigation tab on the zkipster Mobile App

Professional and Enterprise subscribers using the Sessions feature are now able to navigate in between the main event guest lists and the Sessions guest lists by simply turning the toggle from 'Guest Lists' to 'Sessions' on the event overview screen:

Define a Personalized Salutation for Each Guest

To make your guest experience even more personable, a 'Salutation' guest field has been introduced as part of this release, which is also now available as a dynamic tag:

Include this tag on your Guest Facesheet, Invitations, Consent Forms, Name Badges. and Check-In Messages and it will automatically populate with the salutation you have predefined:

Useful links

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