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How to Check-in Guests on iOS and Android devices
How to Check-in Guests on iOS and Android devices

Learn how to check-in guests using the zkipster app on iOS and Android devices

Petya Filipova avatar
Written by Petya Filipova
Updated over a month ago

The zkipster app is built for quick and smooth guests' check-in and management during your event. 

Here is a quick video of the zkipster App:

An Overview of the zkipster App 

In the app, you can access your upcoming and past events, sort the event list and access the App settings and support channels using the 'More' icon at the bottom.

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Inside Your Event:

On the top of the screen, you will find the event information, flyer, and images followed by the guest lists tab and event sessions tab - if you have sessions.

Inside the Guest list: 

Inside the list, you will see your guests and their associated information. To set which columns to appear on the app and in what order go to the Guest Fields section in the zkipster browser. You can learn more in the article here.

Use the icons at the bottom to navigate through the features and manage your guest list:

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  • Guest Lists icon takes you back to the event main page

  • Seating: access and manage your event seating chart (iPad and Android tablet only)

Please Note: The Seating feature is only available on iPad devices and Android tablet. Android for mobile devices and iPhones do not support seating and you won't see the icon.

  • Search guests across all guest lists

  • Add Guest: Use the + button to add new guests to your event

  • QR Scan: activate the zkipster's scanner and check-in guests by scanning QR codes and barcodes

  • More: access the app settings, zkipster's Help Center, or get in touch with the support team

How to Check-in Guests 

Check-in for events is best when exclusively on the app interface. In case of loss of signal, the system continues working offline on the app interface which guarantees check-in with no interruption. You can download the zkipster app from the App store on your device.

Please Note: There is no limitation in the number of devices which can be used for check-in, there are also no extra charges for the usage of multiple devices.

You can check-in guests using:

  • The Check-in button in the guest profile

  • Swipe to check-in

  • Scan QR codes and barcodes

  • Relationships button icon

  • Kiosk Mode for self check-in

  • Guest Facesheet tab

Via the Guest Profile:

Use the Search Bar or Search Button to look for guests by name, email, plus one guest or other relevant information uploaded via custom fields. Then use the check-in buttons in the guest's profile to check-in the Main guest and any +1's.

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Swipe to check-in:

Swipe to check-in is available on Android and iOS devices. Swipe to the right across the guest's name. Single guests will be checked in immediately. For guests with a +1, you can check the main guest or the party altogether by clicking on the single or multiple people's images respectively.

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Scan QR codes and barcodes:

You can scan barcodes and QR codes to find and check-in guests quickly. Use the QR code reader on the bottom of the screen to scan the code.

To speed up the process, enable the ‘Check-In Guests After Scan’ mode via the app settings. Then zkipster will check guests in automatically after scanning their QR code.

Note: A continuous Check-in option is available when scanning your QR code/Barcode. When auto check-in is enabled a square icon is shown on the top bar when the camera is open. Continuous check-in is active when the three square icons are shown and off when a single square appears. Learn more about continuous guest check-in in this article.

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Relationships button icon:

Use the Relationships button icon located above the main check in button if you are using the feature and a pop-up will appear to check-in any related guests. The pop-up will also adapt to the number of guest relationships to a maximum of 4 before becoming scrollable. The Relationships icon will also be displayed if the guest has relationships defined for the Sessions list tab.

Please note that checking in the +1s for related guests via this button is currently not possible. You need to go to the Main Guest profile to check in any +1s of the related guest. Learn more about ‘Relationships’ in the article here.

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Pro Tip: You can also add a Guest Relationship directly via the mobile app. To do this, you can tap on the Guest you would like to add a Relationship. Then, search for a guest you want to relate them to.

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On the next screen, you can create a new relationship or select the relationship that is already available:

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Make sure to save the changes and you can now view the guest relationship when you tap on the Relationships button icon:

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Kiosk Mode for self check-in:

You can use the Kiosk Mode if you prefer to have the guests self check-in themselves for the event. This can be activated via the 'More' section on your mobile device within the event, located at the lower right hand side on the screen.

Please note that you will be asked to set a passcode to enter and activate or exit the kiosk mode. You can check this article for more details.

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Via the Guest Facesheet tab:

If your event requires using the Guest Faceheet, you can also work within this tab to check-in your guests.

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Tap on the Guest Facesheet tab to view all guests that are added. From here you can either tap on top of the guest picture to open the Guest Detail and check-in the guest using the 'Check-In' button, or simply swipe the guest card to the right for check-in:

zkipster software screenshot

Please note: When a guest is already checked-in, their photo from the Guest Facesheet list will have a check mark:

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To learn more about how to use Guest Facesheets on the zkipster mobile app, please check out this article here.

Sessions in Guest Detail

When using the Sessions feature, this information is also available in the ‘Guest detail’ on the zkipster app. You can add a guest into a Session when you tap on the word ‘Edit’.

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Once the guest is added, you can also check them into the Session by selecting the section.

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Consent Form

The consent form PDF is also available on the mobile app, with the additional option to display a QR code for scanning if the form completion is still required at the point of check-in:

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Form Attachments

If you have used the 'Form Attachment' feature on your RSVP form and your guests have submitted files such as Proof of Vaccination or ID/Passport, these documents will be available for visualization only for all users on the zkipster app.

To view the files submitted by your guests, simply open the Guest Detail and scroll to the bottom of the profile to find the documents:

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Please note: The 'Attachments' documents are only visible when the device is connected to a network. As the files are hosted online, the documents will not be available for visualization when using the app on 'Offline Mode'.

Guest Data Sync and Working in Offline Mode

As long as you are connected to a stable WiFi connection, the guest count and check-in numbers will sync automatically across all devices.  You can track the progress at the top of your screen. You can also see the check-in summary inside the event page, on the right of each guest list. 

If you lose your WiFi connection - causing the app to go into offline mode, the check-in and guest information will continue to be stored locally on each device. 

After the event, make sure to reconnect your devices to the internet - one device at a time and enforce manual sync, swiping down across your screen. For more information on working in an offline mode and performance recommendations, check the articles here.

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Pro Tip: To easily switch to a different Guest list or go to the Sessions list if you are using the feature. You can tap the Guest list name or Session name located at the middle top part display on the app instead of the ‘Back’ button.

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Useful Link:

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